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What your business needs for a hybrid and remote-first workplace

Close your eyes and picture what “going to work” looks like. Just a few years ago, it would look like office cubicles, meeting rooms, and even the breakroom where you’d run into your colleagues. In other words, your standard 9-to-5 workday in the office. But the last two years saw unprecedented changes. Today, you might […]

CX trends 2022

It’s finally time for companies to think about what comes next. And after almost two years of adapting, transforming and responding to unprecedented change, they’re looking ahead with an eye for growth. In this new environment, leaders must look to their own customers to strengthen their business. Customer service is now a key differentiator between […]

10 ways voice will disrupt the workplace in the next 5 years

The way businesses adapted to COVID-19 was nothing short of remarkable. Entire companies shifted from physical offices to digital workplaces overnight. They reinvented work cultures, implemented new tools, and saw their teams thrive in new, remote environments. And amid all of the unprecedented changes, workflows evolved. For example, not only did the virus make us […]

Enhancing Teams with enterprise-grade telephony

Today’s businesses depend on a robust communications experience to drive innovation, and phone calls are at the heart of that experience. However, it’s not just about picking up the phone and dialing a number these days. Today’s workers and customers connect with each other using several different channels, including team messaging, video, emails, chats, and […]